知识产权 & 技术转让

The 办公室 知识产权 和 技术转让 (OIPTT) assists faculty, 工作人员, 和 students with issues related to 知识产权 protection. This includes managing, protecting, 和 licensing the University's 知识产权 (IP).

We're responsible for promoting research partnerships 和 negotiating agreements between the University 和 outside entities. These partnerships help enable federally funded research findings to be further developed 和 commercialized.

We also conduct legal review of research agreements. Agreements include confidentiality/non-disclosure, 协作, 服务, 数据传输/使用, 材料转移, 以及赞助的研究. Working alongside the 办公室 Research 和 Sponsored Programs (ORSP), we negotiate 和 review the relevant provisions of these agreements. The 办公室 General Counsel may also assist the Office in reviewing the provisions of specific contracts.

If you have questions about intellectual property, 技术转让, the agreement review process, 或者创造性的伙伴关系, please reach out to Ashley Thomas.


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教师 & 创新者

DU thrives on the contributions of our faculty 和 工作人员 in every facet, 和 intellectual property is no different. Find the support 和 resources necessary for 工作人员 navigating the IP process.



We're always working to establish new research partnerships 和 opportunities to license our technology. 探索, 和 find out how DU collaborates with our industry partners.



Many of our students are involved in creating new intellectual property, 和 we work to ensure each one is fully supported throughout their time working with IP.



We work to build an extensive web of relationships with student 和 faculty startups, 和 our support can help those startups further their own goals while contributing to the DU community.



Learn about the mission of the 办公室 知识产权 和 技术转让 (OIPTT), as well as the people who guide our operations 和 help us facilitate innovation.


政策 & 程序

探索 our policies 和 discover resources that can help you as you move through the intellectual property 和 tech transfer process.


What is 知识产权?

知识产权 (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary 和 artistic works; designs; 和 symbols, names 和 images used in commerce. These creations 和 inventions can be owned 和 protected in a variety of ways: patents, 商标, copyrights 和 trade secrets. There are additional procedures to extend protection internationally.

What is 技术转让?

在大学, 技术转让 facilitates the movement of research 和 discovery from the laboratory 和 classroom into industry products 和 服务s via 知识产权 (IP) protection, licensing 和 commercialization.